Updated post 31-12-2016
Updated an easier new recipe 2 and new pictures. Recipe 2 is in red colour wording. Note that the common black prunes sold in Singapore can also be used.
This is the 5th cake in a series
The main staple food for Asians are rice. We have rice porridge, fried rice, plain white rice, steamed rice, braised rice ….. But we seldom have baked rice.
Bake is usually associated with oven which is rather uncommon to
Guaishushu told himself, once in a while playing with colouring is okay since he did not have a chance to colour since after schooling.
Two months ago, he “accidentally’ brought a full set of colouring intended for icing decoration
What Is This Series? – Series 36
I presumed you knew the yellow colour is something fatty and the red colour is something sweet! What is the background then?
Series 35 answer can be found HERE.
This the rainbow
One number baking ratio adventures continues and gradually extends to other pastry. I have explained in this post about how I want to apply this ratio to cup cakes, muffins, fruit cakes, layered cakes and other pound cakes.
I remembered that immediately when I read the recipe Easy Bacon Potatoes published by Ms. Paula Jones’s, I immediately shared in my Google Plus timeline and promised wanted to try out the recipe.
Yesterday, when I needed to prepare
You may be surprised about this title! In fact, the title is not correct either. What I am going to post is not “what I cooked today” or “what I ate today”. It was a gathering at one of my
This is a post with no recipe. This is Guaishushu’s baking adventures.
As mentioned in Guaishushu’s zebra pattern pound cake, Guaishushu don’t like to follow recipes and remember numbers. Therefore, Guaishushu is constantly experimenting his 1 number pound cake
What Is This Series? – Series 35
As said in the last series, only food related puzzles will be here. So, I presumed you know this is some common type of food! What food item is this?
Series 34 answer
It was 5 am in the morning. I told myself that I must wake up early to write this post and share with readers about this extremely simple recipe. This is rather a special post to me because it is