Updated post on 14-8-2016
Upload of new picture and a video on shaping these soft buns. The attractiveness of these buns is because it is soft due to the high hydration ratio of more than 80%. Previously, there are readers
Chinese believed that we have to constantly provide adequate nutrition and cleanse our body. This is especially so when the weather was cold and the body’s immunity and resistance are week. Therefore, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), herbs
This was not a difficult bake at all. It is very easy and the results were very satisfactory.
I was introduced to passion fruits only very recently, possibly less than 5 years. I remembered the first time I had
I have decided to prepare some yam cake today to serve as snack for the family. There is slight changes in the recipes and as I was on a vegetarian diet, I have prepared the vegetarian
Upload of new pictures on 4-11-2016
Pizza is always one of my favourite comfort food though I don’t prepare it very often because I hate the long proofing time.. I am rather impatience. The last pizza I prepared was a
Guaishushu was constantly peeping through my peers blogger’s kitchen, and he saw one women working hard and doing all kinds of baking and cooking adventures to please her 2 lovely daughters and her handsome American husband. 2 days ago,