Since i have the star shape piping nozzle, I have decided to prepare some for picture taking. In addition, to maintain crispiness, I have decided to add some rice flour to the recipe.
My churros have a rather funny
Since I started my blog about a year ago, I have blogged quite a number of Sarawak cuisines and I will add as and when I have blogged about new Sarawak cuisines. Some of these cuisines are uniquely Sarawak
This is a dish with no history and created by my humble self. I was thinking to prepare this dish when I have guests in house.
There is nothing to write about except the recipe since this is my own
Shenjianbao (生煎包) or pan fried bun is not new to me. I have my fair share of these lovely buns when I was stationed in Shanghai for two years.
Even after I returned from Shanghai and when I went
This is a special compilation for mostly Singaporean and Malaysian hawker centre’s cakes (kuih) and snacks. Most of the local Singaporean and Malaysian have take for granted this kuih’s and snacks as it is easily available at reasonable price
Updated post on 19-1-2017
Upload of new pictures.
A dish of my crazing cooking adventure. Nothing much to share except the recipe. I believed it is presentable to be prepared for entertaining house guests or as a party snack.
I saw the ice cream on display in the shelf and I decided to replicate the ice cream, a Tom and Jerry ‘s strawberry cheesecake ice cream with cookies swirl.
I have tried once and I do not think
Updated post on 26-11-2014
Decided to re-prepared this as the second attempt and adhere as closed to the Hainanese tradition as possible. Slightly changes in the recipe to enhance the texture of the dough and incorporate a new picture of
This post was updated with recipe 2 of which there is no eggs and coconut milk added . The colour will be slightly yellowish and translucent as compared to the first set of pictures with eggs and coconut milk.
Now in Singapore, there are a lot of plums being sold in the supermarket. Last Sunday, when I went shopping in the supermarket, I noted that the prices of plums are very cheap. Prices of a box of 6-8