It is rather unusual that I am issuing this post during Chinese New Year. It is actually not a new post but an old post that I have blogged in 2013.
Yesterday, one Chinese educated granny was asking me
After joining Facebook, I realized there are many ways of eating niangao but I am used to deep frying niangao or pan fried niangao with eggs. Some ate by using a spoon to scoop out the sticky soft niangao
Happy Chinese New Year and may all readers be blessed with abundances of health and wealth. This is the first post for the Year of Monkey and I am looking forward to share more post Chinese New Year dishes
Eating homemade crackers can be as healthy as you want it to be. The preparation environment is much cleaner, you can use less seasoning and instead of deep fried, you can always use air fried or microwave. Having said
All Huat Kuih looks the same but they are different. Different in terms of taste and texture because it is made using different leavening agent and different flour.
Not many people will know how importance is this huat kuih
During Chinese New Year, besides Lapis, there is a huge demand of steamed cakes in Sarawak . These steamed cakes are very rich in flavour, delicious and extremely moist cakes.
These cakes are very expensive and can easily fetch
This is a special compilation for all the Chinese New Year related recipes. It will be divided into 3 posts.
- Part 1 (90 recipes) is concerning all the cookies, pastries pertaining to the Chinese New Year recipes.
I am unsure if readers are aware, few weeks before Chinese New Year, wet markets and supermarkets are full of Chinese leek (蒜) Most families will buy some leek and keep in the fridge because it has some auspicious
Eating abalone is definitely not common when I was young. We hardly or have no chance to eat abalone and we only knew about the term abalone from various literatures. It was always written that it is precious and
I asked my boy to try this traditional agar agar sweets, he refused citing that there is too much colouring. I was stunned and to a certain extent, Singapore education system is a success. I presumed he learned from