Game To Try Some “Wild Hibiscus” Tea………….?(洛神花茶) 27
Game To Try Some “Wild Hibiscus” Tea………….?(洛神花茶)

Do  you feel greasy after a bowl of Sarawak Laksa?

Do you need something to quench your thirst after shopping?

Are you looking for some weight reduction aids?

Is your family concerned about your hypertension?

Well, let’s try some home

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Hi, Let Start Cooking the Laksa …. An In Depth Analysis and Pictorial Procedural Description Of The Famous Sarawak Laksa (Part III)


Part I and Part II are rather “theoretical” and this post will show you the practical steps to prepare the Sarawak laksa.

To make a delicious bowl of Sarawak Laksa, besides having some good

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What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 21-5-2013 1
What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 21-5-2013

On 21 May 2013

1. Fried Golden Banded Scad (Ikan Selat Kuning) 生煎竹荚鱼
2. Blanched White Stem Pak Choy with anchovies 小银鱼白菜
3. Pepper pork 胡椒猪柳
4. Chinese Water Spinach Soup 蕹菜汤

If you looked at my post yesterday, you

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What a colorful combination! 11
What a colorful combination!

What is this? – Series 17

Today’s question is extremely easy due to the combination of red and white stripes. It is commonly found in markets in South East Asian Countries.

Answer: Posted on 24-5-2013

This was a plate of

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What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 20-5-2013 3
What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 20-5-2013

On 20 May 2013

1. Jicama Fried With Minced Pork 沙葛炒肉碎
2. Blanched Baby Kailan with Oyster Sauce 耗油小芥兰
3. Pork Belly steamed with Preserved Vegetable 梅菜扣肉
4. White Radish Pork Rib Soup 白萝卜排骨汤
5. Salted Vegetable fried with Pork
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Hey, I have invented my own Sarawak Laksa Paste Recipe !!!……… An In Depth Analysis and Pictorial Procedural Description Of The Famous Sarawak Laksa (PART II) 42
Hey, I have invented my own Sarawak Laksa Paste Recipe !!!……… An In Depth Analysis and Pictorial Procedural Description Of The Famous Sarawak Laksa (PART II)



Most Sarawakian households cooked their laksa from ready-made laksa pastes made popular by the Tan’s Family in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Most people will not even bother to question how

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Hey, I have invented my own Sarawak Laksa Paste Recipe !!!……… An In Depth Analysis and Pictorial Procedural Description Of The Famous Sarawak Laksa (PART II) 27
Hey, I have invented my own Sarawak Laksa Paste Recipe !!!……… An In Depth Analysis and Pictorial Procedural Description Of The Famous Sarawak Laksa (PART II)



Most Sarawakian households cooked their laksa from ready-made laksa pastes made popular by the Tan’s Family in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Most people will not even bother to question how

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Hey, My Laksa Secret Recipe Was Stolen!!!……… An In Depth Analysis and Pictorial Procedural Description Of The Famous Sarawak Laksa (PART I)


Like any other Sarawakians, I am proud of our own version of laksa, Sarawak Laksa. It will not do Sarawak Laksa any justice if I did not do  a detail post on Sarawak Laksa. In fact, Sarawak laksa

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Purple, purple, purple…… 11
Purple, purple, purple……

What is this ? – Series 16

It is not common to have cooking ingredients which is purple in color. Of course, brinjal is one of them, but what is this? No photographic effects on this picture.

Series 15 answer

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What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 17-5-2013 3
What I cooked today (家常便饭系列)- 17-5-2013

On 17-May-2013

White rice served with:

1. Chayote Pork Rib Soup 佛手瓜排骨汤
2. French Bean Stir Fried with Garlic 清炒四季豆
3. Braised pork slice with pickled lettuce 香菜心炆肉片

Today we have a rather simple dinner but the dish volume are

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