Updated post on 13/1/2017
Upload a new recipe which is Nonya style commonly sold in Melaka.
As contrast the recent recipe which is sandy and melt in the mouth, nonya style of traditional pineapple tarts have a CRISPY crust and egg wash was needed. It is thinner than the recent pineapple tarts.
The new recipe will be updated as recipe 2 in red colour.
I have a post on Golf Ball Pineapple Tarts and it was quite well received by readers last Chinese New Year.. However, I have never have a post of open faced pineapple tarts and I thought it might be good that I prepared some and shared with readers in this off peak period.
I have quite a detail write up on the pineapple tart in this post: What A Golf Ball Have To Do With A Pineapple? Well, It Is The Famous South East Asian Pineapple Tarts (凤梨酥) and if you interested to read the background and types of pineapple tarts, you can follow the above link.
I have prepared this batch of pineapple tarts using the frozen pineapple jam that was left during Chinese new year. Don’t worry, pineapple jam, being a jam is a preservative in itself and if properly kept in air tight container in the fridge, it can keep for a very long time, not to mention that I have deep froze it ..
The pastry for open version pineapple tarts are not the same as the golf balls pineapple tarts. In order for the tarts shells to have an fine imprint, the short crust dough have to be slightly firmer such that it wouldn’t stick to the mould…For golf balls pineapple tarts, it will need a lighter pastry that can really melt in the mouth..
This short crust pastry is a very simple recipe comprising of eggs, butter and flour. Just like any short crust pastry, handling need to be as light as possible so as to incorporate air to the pastry and making it fluffier.
Of course preparing this type pineapple tarts will need a mould and selection of mould is your choice just like the preparation of moon cake and it will definitely not difficult to get one at a reasonable price at Singapore and Malaysia bakeries.
Servings: About 60 open faced pineapple tarts
Recipe 1 – Trendier Recipe
300 grams of ready made pineapple jam (divided into 60 pineapple jam balls of about 5 grams each)
250 grams of plain flour (10% or 25 grams can be substitute with corn flour or custard powder)
125 grams of cold butter cut into small pieces (hidden in the flour)
30 grams of icing sugar (optional)
One egg (lightly beaten)
Drops of vanilla essence (optional)
Recipe 2 – Traditional Nonya Crispy Crust Recipe
300 grams of ready made pineapple jam (divided into 60 pineapple jam balls of about 5 grams each)
250 grams of plain flour
125 grams of cold butter cut into small pieces (hidden in the flour)
30 grams of icing sugar (optional)
30 grams of egg white (lightly beaten)
Drops of vanilla essence (optional)
Divide the pineapple jams equally into 60 balls of about 5 grams each.
In a big mixing bowl, cut the cold butter into small cubes. Use the finger tips to rub the butter cubes and flours together until it become crumby. Add in sifted icing sugars and continue to rub until well mixed.
Add lightly beaten eggs and vanilla essence, mix slowly until it become a dough. Put it in the fridge to chill for 20-30 minutes. Note that if you are able to handle soft dough, you can by pass this step. Take the dough from the fridge and use a rolling pin to roll it into a flat sheet with about 0.5 cm thickness. Use the mould to press firmly on the dough, dislodge carefully and place in the baking tray. Put a ball of pineapple jam on the cavity of the tart shell.
Pre-heat the oven to 180 degree Celsius. (You can pre-heat the oven about 15-20 minutes before you finish the moulding, otherwise, you can finish all the moulding and start the pre-heating. It is okay for short crust pastry to wait for the oven pre-heating). Once the oven reaches 180 degree Celsius, bake in the oven at the lower shelf for about 15-20 minutes. Depending on your desired colour tone, as the pastry is thin and rather easy to get cooked at this temperature, a minimum of 12-15 minutes is adequate.
Note that there is no egg washing for the tart shell in this recipe, if you prefer, mix one tablespoon of water with one egg yolk, beat well, sift and egg wash the tart shell before placing the pineapple balls on top of the tart shell.
For baking, you have a choice like what is stated in the recipe of baking the tart shells together with pineapple balls or you can pre-bake the tart shell. For prebaking the tart shell, once the oven reaches 180 degree Celsius, take the tart shell out of the oven and place a pineapple balls on top of the tart shell, resend the tarts back to the oven and bake for another 10 minutes or until the shells become golden brown.
For more buttery flavour, use plain flour. Use custard flour to enhance binding and colour purposes.
For Nonya Crispy Crust Version
- Pre-heat the oven to 180 degree Celsius and the method of preparing the dough is the same as recipe 1.
- Roll the dough into 1.5 to 2 mm thickness. Use the flower mould to cut into the flower shape. Transfer to a baking tray and bake in the pre-heated oven of 180 degree Celsius for 15 minutes.
- Put a piece of filling on the pre-baked shell. Take some dough, rolled thin and use the rolling knife to cut into two small stripes. Put 4 pieces of small stripes on top of the filling.
- Egg wash the pastry. For egg washing, crack one egg yolk, add 2 drops of water, slightly beaten, and apply.
- Bake in the oven at 180 degree Celsius for another 15 minutes or until your desired colour tone.
This is not a difficult recipe and hope it will help readers who are looking for open faced pineapple tarts recipes. The only point need highlighting is light handling of the dough such that the shell will melt in the mouth. In the near future, it is very likely that I will share the preparation of pineapple jam and also other types of pineapple tarts.
This recipe was included in Page 32 and Page 33 of the following E-book.
For more Chinese New Year related cookies, snack and steamed cake recipes, you can have a copy of “Easy Chinese New Year Recipes – A step by step guide” that was packed with 30 recipes, 60 pages at a reasonable convenience fee of USD3.50. The recipes covered various recipes from auspicious radish cake to nian gao to traditional kuih bangkit to trendy London almond cookies. Of course not forgetting both type of pineapple tarts. You can purchase by clicking the link above. You can either pay using Pay Pal or Credit card account. Please ensure that you have an PDF reader like Acrobat or iBooks in your mobile phone or iPad if you intended to read it in your ipad or mobile phone. Should there be any problems of purchasing, feel free to contact me at kengls@singnet.com.sg and separate arrangement can be made.
Hope you like the post today. Cheers and have a nice day.
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Thanks Kenneth for sharing…
will try this recipe..yum.