Updated post on 9/1/2017
Uploaded a new recipe using honey version as in red .
All these while, i am blogging traditional cookies and never really blog a trendy cookie.. In order to diversify my cookies recipe, I have decided to blog this rather trendy cookies commonly served during Chinese New Year..
Most kids will like this cookie as it is prepared using corn flakes. As contrast to other melt in the mouth cookies, is a crispy cookies full of cereal flavour.
I am not new to this cookies as my nieces like to prepare this during Chinese New Year. Most of the recipes in the net need to bake this simple cookies for about 10 minutes and I have purposely chosen one recipe that is no-bake version. It was prepared using peanut butter instead of normal butter.. It is a real simple easy to remember recipe. Variations are many including the nuts and the type of breakfast cereals to be used. I have added some sunflower seeds to the cookies and I loved the crunchiness of both the nuts and the corn flakes.
For those who do not have oven at home, this is one cookie that you can try.. Trust me, not only kids love the cookies, even adults like my wife love it very much .. lol.
Servings: About 24 cookies
Peanut butter version
45 –60 grams of corn flake
45 grams of peanut butter
45 grams of castor sugar
45 grams of honey or corn syrup
Some small paper cups
Honey version
- 400 grams of corn flakes honey crunch
- 150 grams of butter
- 200 grams of honey or golden syrup or maltose or a combination of these three**
In a non stick pan, melt the peanut butter, honey or syrup and castor sugar. Bring to boil under low heat. Let it simmer for 1-2 minutes until all the sugar dissolved. Off the heat, add in the corn flakes, stir until well mixed. While it is hot, put a teaspoon of corn flakes on the paper cups. Let it rest in the room temperature until it hardens. Once hardened, store in a air tight container. (Note, if the cornflake is too big pieces, you can crush it into big pieces before using)
- Melt the butter and maltose or golden syrup or honey in a pan and stir until the mixture is frothy. Add the cornflakes and stir until well combined. Scope to the cornflakes to the paper cups and let it cool completely before storing in an air tight container. If preferred, you can add in nuts of your choice.
Note: I have only use 3 tablespoons of honey for flavoring, all the remaining i have used maltose to substitute.
The family have finished the whole bottle of cookies within one day. It is easy to prepare and rather addictive. If you are concern about the sweetness, you can either use more corn flakes or reduce the castor sugar by 10%. Remember that you can always add in some nuts to the recipes, be it walnut, sunflower seeds, pine seeds, almond or others..
Hope you like the post today. Cheers and have a nice day.
This recipe was included in Page 24 and Page 25 of the following E-book.
For more Chinese New Year related cookies, snack and steamed cake recipes, you can have a copy of “Easy Chinese New Year Recipes – A step by step guide” that was packed with 30 recipes, 60 pages at a reasonable convenience fee of USD3.50. The recipes covered various recipes from auspicious radish cake to nian gao to traditional kuih bangkit to trendy London almond cookies. Of course not forgetting both type of pineapple tarts. You can purchase by clicking the link above. You can either pay using Pay Pal or Credit card account. Please ensure that you have an PDF reader like Acrobat or iBooks in your mobile phone or iPad if you intended to read it in your ipad or mobile phone. Should there be any problems of purchasing, feel free to contact me at kengls@singnet.com.sg and separate arrangement can be made.
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Brilliant idea. I think I would love this more than the honey that people usually use to hold the cornflakes together. Thanks for sharing.
You are most welcome. If you do not like honey, you can use corn syrup or all using white sugar. Sugar when melted will become syrup that can bind the corn flakes together. Can use melted chocolate too..
Hi Kenneth, if use melted chocolate is it means just replace peanut butter with the chocolate? The rest of the ingredient and method remain unchanged?
Yes. But since chocolate is already sweet, you may want to reduce the sugar level
weeee.. no bake is cool especially when we run out of cookies but need more. i love the smell and crunch of cornflakes. i will definitely add in more cornflakes for that extra.crunch and ur addition of pumpkin seeds makes it even all the better.
thanks for linking to beat recipes shifu gor gor… keekee
Do create your own version to share with your pools of readers. Haha.
with out castor sugar also can right?
increase honey a bit. Binding may not be that good without syrup.
Hi, I just tried the recipe. After it’s done, the cornflakes is not very crispy (almost a bit soggy) and it doesn’t bind very well.
What am I doing wrong?
Most likely is the boiling is not long enough meaning a bit more moisture left in the syrup causing it to be soften.