At times, I am puzzled why certain delicious dishes in Hong Kong and Taiwan was not popular in the region. It seems that this recipe is an extremely common household snack or dish in Hong Kong especially as a snack to go with cold beer.. I have seen members of a Hong Kong Facebook group prepared this dish rather often and I told myself that I have to give it a try.
In my first attempt, I am totally disappointed with the dish and shelved the idea to issue the recipe as the taste did not blend well with the chicken and the worst part of it is the mid wings are very bitter when cooked like what most recipes have suggested using sliced lemon. I knew the reason of bitterness is because of the lemon white membrane that make the wings bitter.
I sat down and thought about it, since we want to get the tanginess and flavour of the lemon in the chicken wing, the best way is not to include the lemon skin. Instead, lemon juices will be added just before the wings are dished up. For better incorporation of tanginess to the wings. post marinating for the cooked wings is suggested.
Today, I have decided to re-prepare the dish and it become a very delicious dish. It is slight tangy, sweet and very aromatic. I honestly believed that this is a good dish for the dinner or as a snack in family gathering as an appetizer.
Servings: 6-8 adults
1 kilogram of mid wings
Lemon juices of 1 medium size lemon
50 grams of brown cane sugar or any other sugar
2 tablespoons dark soya sauce
1 tablespoon of oyster sauce (optional)
5 cm length of ginger cut into big pieces
5 cloves of garlic
In a pan, heat up 2-3 tablespoons of cooking oil, sauté the ginger slices and garlic until fragrant, pan fry the chicken wings until both sides are slightly golden brown. Add the dark soya sauce , brown cane sugar, oyster sauce and adequate water to cover the chicken wings. Bring to boil and when it boils, reduce the heat to medium and let it simmer until the sauce dries up . It took me about 15 minutes. Before dishing up, add the lemon juice and let it rest in the pan for at least 1-2 hours for the flavour to further develop before servings.
If you prefer, you can cook longer until your desired softer texture and you have to monitor the water amount used.
Personally, i prefer the addition of lemon juices towards the end of the cooking instead of adding sliced lemon during the cooking. This recipe is very simple and I am quite confident that most family will like it. With kids, possibly you want to gradually add the lemon juices until a level that are acceptable by your family members.
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