I presumed most readers will know what is mayonnaise and there is no need for me to dwell into the details of mayonnaise. But it is always good to have a good and concise definition from Wikipedia:
“Mayonnaise (/ˈmeɪəneɪz/, /ˌmeɪəˈneɪz/ or in AmE also /ˈmæneɪz/, and often abbreviated as mayo /ˈmeɪoʊ/) is a thick, creamy dressing often used as a condiment. It is a stable emulsion of oil, egg yolk, and either vinegar or lemon juice,with many options for embellishment with other herbs and spices. Proteins and lecithin in the egg yolk serve as emulsifiers in both mayonnaise and hollandaise sauce.[3] Commercial egg-free alternatives are available for vegans and others who want to avoid animal products and cholesterol, or who are allergic to eggs” (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayonnaise)
As mentioned by Wikipedia, the authentic traditional recipes uses raw eggs and there is a version which is eggless. As for the eggless version, I have saw many types of recipe that ranges from the use of condensed milk to cream or milk.
I have prepared both version for the benefits of the readers and give readers a choice. One is the authentic version using raw eggs and I have to highlight to the readers that the egg yolks used are raw meaning it was not cooked. It is GENERALLY SAFE to eat raw eggs in mayonnaise, tiramisu, smoothies , ice cream etc.. However, there is a slight risk of about 1 in 20,000 to 30,000 chances that the eggs may be infected by salmonella that can lead to food poisoning (source: http://kellythekitchenkop.com/are-raw-eggs-safe-to-eat-real-food-wednesday/). Therefore, homemade mayonnaise does pose a minimal risk of food poisoning unless you can get pasteurized eggs. Commercial mayonnaise are prepared using pasteurized eggs and hence it is safe to eat.
For this eggless version, I have decided to use the soya bean milk as the base. Soya bean milk gave a slight aroma and the whole family agreed unanimously the eggless version is more delicious. As for the soya bean milk, you can always get the package soya bean milk or homemade soya bean milk. If you are interested in homemade soya bean milk which is very easy, you can always refer to this post: Homemade Firm Tofu aka Taukwa (自制点豆腐)
I am using an immersion blender to do the job which is very fast. If you do not have any immersion blender, a normal blender or even hand whisk will do the job but it will take much longer time. The mayonnaise can be used for dips and I have used it to prepare some Japanese potatoes salad which my kids like it very much. You can always refer to this post for the recipe: Japanese Potato Salad (ポテトサラダ 日式土豆色拉)
Servings: One small bottle of mayonnaise
Authentic Traditional Recipe
- 2 egg yolks
- 1 cup of cooking oil (olive oil, sunflower oil, canola oil or any oil of your choice)
- 1/2 tablespoon of white sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon of salt
- 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard
- 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
Eggless, Dairy Less Recipe
- 1/2 cup of unsweetened soya bean milk
- 1 cup of cooking oil
- 1/2 tablespoon of white sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon of salt
- 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard
- 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
* Except the raw eggs, soya bean milk and cooking oil quantities that need to follow exactly this recipe, feel free to adjust the quantities of Dijon mustard, salt, sugar and lemon juice to suit your taste bud. You can also add in pepper or other herbs.
- Put the egg yolk, lemon juice, white sugar, salt and Dijon mustard in a bowl, whisk until well combined. Change the whisk to an immersion blender, GRADUALLY add the oil and blend until it forms an emulsion and paste like texture. As you blend, the mixture will thicken and it is consider as done when you lift up your blender, the mayonnaise stick to the blender and not drip down. Continue to blend if it drips. The whole process will take only 2-3 minutes for this quantity.
- Put the soya bean milk , lemon juice, white sugar, salt and Dijon mustard in bowl, use an immersion blender to have a quick stir for 5 seconds. GRADUALLY add the oil and blend until it forms an emulsion and paste like texture. As you blend, the mixture will thicken and it is consider as done when you lift up your blender, the mayonnaise stick to the blender and not drip down. Continue to blend if it drips. The whole process will take only 2-3 minutes for this quantity.
- Homemade mayonnaise is advised to be consumed as soon as possible. Unlike store bought mayonnaise, homemade mayonnaise shall be stored in an air tight container in the refrigerator and can keep for a period of 3-4 days. Therefore, this recipe yields a reasonable serving for 1-2 meals and do not made more than this recipe suggested unless you have a party to avoid wastage.
- Add 1-2 tablespoons of tomato ketchup to the blending and this will become the thousand island dressings. You always add your preferred herbs if you are using this as dips for your fries or deep fried food.
Once again, I prefer the eggless version and I especially love the faint aroma of soya bean in the mayonnaise. If you cannot get soya bean milk in the store, you may have to Google “eggless mayonnaise + cream” for a recipe. Though the risk of consuming raw egg mayonnaise is very low, possibly because of the psychological barrier, for homemade, I still prefer the vegan version. The choice of recipe will definitely in the readers hand.
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