Updated post on 25-8-2016
I have been preparing this recipe since I issued the post as I really like this recipe. Kids do not like garlic therefore all these while, I am preparing plain naans and they like it very much. Upload of new pictures.
This recipe suits my taste bud. It it soft and rather fluffy and really unlike those naans that I have tasted in some Indian restaurants. At times, those breads are rather dry, hard and chewy. I have no regret in trying the recipe and I will definitely prepared it again soon.
There are many naan recipes in the internet. Possibly because of its popularity in the Western world, most recipes in Google search are recipes from Western website and I have difficulty to find an authentic Indian recipe that can squeeze into the first few pages of Google search results. I have read many recipes and there are many variations.. Some used bread flour and some used plain flour. Some insist on yoghurt and some uses milk and water only. Some have spices such as cumin seeds and some have none.. Some uses butter and some uses ghee..
Finally, i have settled using a recipe using ghee, yoghurt and plain flour. My rationale of selecting this recipe is because ghee and yoghurt are common ingredients in South Asian cuisines.
Since this is a traditional cuisine, in my humble opinion, I believed only normal plain flour is required and not a specialized flour such as bread flour or cake flour … Well, I may be totally wrong but I still prefer using plain flour as less gluten will be formed due to its lower protein content. Lower gluten will means that the bread are softer and easier to eat for me..
“Naan, nan or khamiri is a leavened, oven-baked flatbread found in the cuisines of West, Central and South Asia.With the migration of the Roma people from India, it spread to other parts of West Asia A typical naan recipe involves mixing white flour with salt, a yeast culture, and enough yogurt to make a smooth, elastic dough. The dough is kneaded for a few minutes, then set aside to rise for a few hours. Once risen, the dough is divided into balls (about 100 grams or 3.5 oz each), which are flattened and cooked. In Pakistani cuisine, naans are typically graced with fragrant essences, such as rose, khus (vetiver), or with butter or ghee melted on them. Nigella seeds are commonly added to naan as cooked in Indian restaurants throughout the UK. Raisins and spices can be added to the bread to add to the flavour. Naan can also be covered with, or serve as a wrap for various toppings of meat, vegetables or cheeses. This version is sometimes prepared as fast food. It can also be dipped into such soups as dal, and goes well with sabzis (also known as shaakh)”. (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naan)
Traditionally, naan is baked in a tandoor , a type of traditional clay oven used for the preparation of the famous tandoori chicken. But for this recipe, the naan can be prepared using simple household stove by pan frying the naan or oven. Naan can be plain nuns or it can have nuts or herbs added to it. This recipe did not use any South Asian spices such as cumin seeds etc.. But I have added garlic and shredded coriander to the bread as this is one of the most common types of naan served with curry in the Indian restaurants.. Preparation is very straight forward, knead the dough, proof, divided, roll flat and pan fry.
Recipe Adapted from: Madhur Jaffreys Naan Bread Recipe – Food.com
Servings: About 8 naans
45o grams of plain flour
150 grams or ml of lukewarm milk
150 grams of natural yoghurt
11 grams or one packet of instant yeast
1 tablespoon of white sugar
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of baking powder
2 tablespoons of ghee
1 eggs
Additional ghee or butter for brushing the bread
3 tablespoons of minced garlic plus minced coriander (optional)
Put all the ingredients (except garlic and coriander) in a stand mixer mixing bowl. Knead under medium speed for about 10 minutes until a dough is form. The dough shall be smooth , There is no need to knead overly long to reach the window screen test. The dough can be rather sticky.
Transfer to a flat service dusted with more plain flour. Pat your hand with flour, lightly knead for 1-2 minutes and shape it into a round ball. Transfer the dough to a bowl lightly greased with ghee. Cover the bowl with a clingy wrap and let it proof until double in size. Timing depends on the day’s weather and for this illustration, it is about 45 minutes.
Once the dough have double in size. punch out the air and divide into 8 equal balls of about 100 grams each. Shape round and get ready a skillet over a stove.
Take one dough ball, put some minced garlic and coriander, use a rolling pin to roll it flat and in a circle form with diameter of about 12cm to 15cm. Transfer the dough to the skillet . Pan fried using medium heat until the bottom has turn brownish. Over turn the dough and pan fry the top for 1-2 minutes to ensure that the top part is cooked. Transfer out to a plate, brush with some ghee on top of the bread and best served warm with some Indian curry or tandoori chicken.
I am very happy with this recipe. I cannot claim that the recipe is authentic but it definitely does suit my taste bud.
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