As what I told my friend, this Swiss roll recipe can do “yoga”, roll and unroll without breaking. The first part of the picture is a not nicely rolled Swiss roll. You can see that it can be unrolled and rerolled into a nice shape.
This recipe uses cooked dough method. If you are following my posts, you will know that I have currently obsessed in changing my cake recipe to cooked dough method. I cannot help but to do so because any bake using cooked dough method are welcomed by the family members without complaints be it in sponge cake, butter cake or chiffon cake.
One of the characteristics of cooked dough is that the cake is moist, little crust (or debris) and it is full of flexibility. Therefore, this is ideal for those who have the Swiss roll rolling phobia, wary that the Swiss roll will break. If you followed the recipe, your Swiss roll should not break as the cake structure are very fine unlike the traditional Swiss roll which have lots of airy structure. In addition, the traditional Swiss roll recipe tends to be drier than new recipes.
Attribute to the cooked flour’s ability to absorb more water, the moistness of the cake has overhauled the method of preparation of Swiss roll. The traditional Swiss roll recipe will require you to overturn the cake, roll immediately when it is out of the oven to avoid breaking. However, for this recipe, these steps are totally not required. You can take your sweet time to roll your cake, roll and unroll, change the fillings and etc..There is also no need to overturn the cake too.
I have prepared this recipe twice. In the first attempt, I used five eggs and also use the wrong tray. It resulted that my Swiss roll is too thin and I have excess batter that I have to bake in 3 cupcake cups. I was also not happy with the cake structure as there are too much bubbles trapped inside the Swiss roll. Well, this is due to my carelessness of not tapping the baking tin on the table. There is nothing wrong beside the above mentioned two imperfections, in fact, that Swiss roll finished fast until my wife said that how come there is only one piece left by the time she ate the cake.. Is my Swiss roll very small? Yes, it is thinner but the prime reason was that my kids loved the cake.
This morning, I have prepared another time using 4 eggs recipe. It is a good bake and I also take this opportunity not to put any dressing such that reader can see the texture better. I also purposely share another way of rolling, using the cake bottom as the cake surface during rolling.. For readers, you will have to decide the fillings you need and which side (cake surface or cake bottom) of the cake you want it as the Swiss roll surface.
Servings: One 30 cm x 22 cm Swiss Roll
Yolk Portion
- 4 egg yolks (please omit one egg from above)
- 60 grams of fresh milk
- 45 grams of cooking oil
- Pinches of salt
- 85 grams of self raising flour
Meringue portion
- 4 egg whites
- 65 grams of castor sugar
- 1/4 teaspoon of cream of tartar (optional)
- Pre-heat the oven to 180 degree Celsius and line the baking tin with parchment paper ensuring the paper are bigger than the tray with the sides protruding out.
- In a pan, put the oil, heat the oil until almost boiling. When the smoke is almost emitted, add the flour and off the heat. Don’t worry if you are deep frying the flour. Stir until well combined and let it cooled completely before the next step.
- Add the milk and egg yolk one by one. Stir until the batter is smooth. Set aside.
- In a clean mixing bowl, add the egg white. Beat until slightly foamy and add the cream of tartar. Continue to beat at high speed and add sugar tablespoon by tablespoon. Once it reaches soft to firm peak, off the machine. Do not beat until stiff peak. The meringue should be glossy and shall be able to stand on its own. If you invert the mixing bowl, all the meringue shall stay intact in the mixing bowl and not flow down.
- Transfer 1/3 of the meringue to the egg yolk better. Fold lightly and swiftly in one direction with a spatula. Once it is well mixed, add the another 1/3 of the meringue and perform the same. Once the final portion of meringue has been added and well mixed, transfer the batter to the greased baking pan . Level it and use a skewer to lightly go around the batter to force out any trapped air. Lightly bang the baking tin on the table to further forcing any trapped air to escape.
- Bake in the pre-heated oven for about 15 minutes.
- Once out of the oven, transfer the cake to a cooling rack with the face facing up for cooling. Once it cool, touch the surface and ensure that the cake surface is dry as it will affect the rolling.
- Once the cake is cooled, surface is dry, turnover the cake to another clean piece of parchment paper. LIGHTLY USE A SHARP KNIFE TO CUT 2-3 LINES NEAR ONE OF THE ENDS WITH ABOUT 2 CM WIDE but do not cut through the cake. The purpose of this step is to facilitate rolling the cake centre.
- Spread your desired fillings. In this illustration, it is strawberry jam. You can used kaya, cream and etc.
- Roll the cake from the side with the cut lines as centre like rolling the sushi and as tight as possible. Let it rest in this position for at least 15 minutes before cut into smaller pieces of serving. If you are using cream, you may want to rest your cake in the fridge for the cream to firm.
I hope this recipe will benefit those readers who have fears of preparing Swiss roll. Don’t worry, the cake will not crack unless you have grossly over bake the cake from the suggested timing. As for the mould, slightly bigger or smaller is acceptable as it will only yield a Swiss roll that are of different thickness.
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