I am currently obsessed in exploring the cooked dough method of cake making. I have tried it with sponge cake and chiffon cake and I thought I might also give my butter pound cake a try.
Cooked dough is a process of gelatinized the flour therefore enhancing the flour’s water absorbing properties. It generally yields a much moister cake than conventional cake and generally required much more liquid than normal cake. The cake texture is fine and smooth, with less debris and crust and has great flexibility. I get to know this after I issued my Pandan Chiffon cake recipe that is moist. If you are interested, you can refer to this post: Pandan Chiffon Cake–Cooked Dough Method (烫面漆风蛋糕)
As for the sponge cake, this cooked dough sponge cake impressed me. It is very moist unlike other sponge cake that is dry and floury. With moist sponge cake as a cake base, there is not much cream to be applied to make it moister. If you are interested, you can refer to : Key Lime Sponge Cake (青柠海绵蛋糕)
On the other hand, the cake is slightly heavier and will not be as tall as some other cakes as each flour molecules has much more water than the dry flour. Due to its high moisture content, the chances of failure are slightly higher but even if it is a failed cake, it is still a moist delicious cake.
I am not going to promote more about this butter cake and I let readers to examine the texture and if this is the cake that you are looking for .
Servings: One 8” x 8” butter cake
Yolk Batter
- 250 grams of self raising flour
- 250 grams of butter
- 100 grams or ml of fresh milk
- 5 egg yolk
- Few drops of vanilla essence (optional)
Meringue portion
- 5 egg whites
- 250 grams of castor sugar
- 1/4 teaspoon of cream of tartar (optional)
- Lightly greased an 8” x 8” square baking tin and pre-heat the oven to 165 degree Celsius.
- Melt the butter over the stove. Once it is nearly boiling, off the heat. Add the flour and stir until well combined. LET IT COOL COMPLETELY BEFORE PROCEEDING TO THE NEXT STEP. To expedite the process, you can put it under the fan for faster cooling.
- Add the vanilla essence, egg yolk one by one followed by the milk. Stir until well combined. Set aside.
- In a clean mixing bowl, add the egg white. Beat until slightly foamy and add the cream of tartar. Continue to beat at high speed and add sugar tablespoon by tablespoon. Once it reaches soft to firm peak, off the machine. The meringue should be glossy and shall be able to stand on its own. If you invert the mixing bowl, all the meringue shall stay intact in the mixing bowl and not flow down.
- Transfer 1/3 of the meringue to the egg yolk better. Fold lightly and swiftly in one direction with a spatula. Once it is well mixed, add the another 1/3 of the meringue and perform the same. Once the final portion of meringue has been added and well mixed, transfer the batter to the greased baking pan . Level it and use a skewer to lightly go around the batter to force out any trapped air. Lightly bend the baking tin on the table to further forcing any trapped air to escape.
- Bake in the pre-heated oven of 165 degree Celsius for 45-50 minutes or until a skewer inserted comes out clean. Cool completely before cutting.
This recipe is actually a pound cake recipe with a complete change in the method of preparation. If you are wondering about the texture of the cooked dough butter cake, why not give it a try?
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