Pomelo Honey Jam (柚子蜂蜜酱)


First of all, I have to apologize that I got confused with term Yuzu and pomelo.. I was confused because of the Japanese Kanji 柚子 is different from the Chinese character 柚子. Though both characters are the same but

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Adzuki Bread Loaf aka Red Bean Bread Loaf (红豆面包条)


If you like soft fluffy Asian type of pillow loaf, this is not a recipe for you. However, if you like wholemeal bread type of texture, this is a good recipe that you can try. This recipe yields a

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Compilation of Chinese Kuih’s Crust/Skin and Fillings (中国传统糕点皮及馅之汇编)


This is a long due post and in fact i have wanted to do this compilation for quite a while… Today, I squeezed out some time to do a summary on the traditional kuih fillings and its skin or

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Kangkong Belachan or Sambal Kangkong (马来风光) 11
Kangkong Belachan or Sambal Kangkong (马来风光)



If this set of pictures looks different from the one served in the restaurants and Chi Char (煮炒档)stores, there are two main reasons.. One is because of the preparation of the Kangkong or convolvulus for stir frying and another

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Flower Crab Tofu Soup (花蟹豆腐汤) 33
Flower Crab Tofu Soup (花蟹豆腐汤)


I am writing this post now in Johor Baru and I am having a short vacation in Malaysia.. While there are some free time, I searched for some simple recipe to share with all..

I seldom cooked crabs at

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30 Local Singapore And Malaysian Kuih Special Compilation (30 种本地糕点汇编) 4
30 Local Singapore And Malaysian Kuih Special Compilation (30 种本地糕点汇编)


This is a special compilation for mostly Singaporean and Malaysian hawker centre’s cakes (kuih). Most of the local Singaporean and Malaysian have take for granted this kuih’s and snacks as it is easily available at reasonable price in the

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Special Compilation of Teochew Cuisines  (潮州美食食谱汇编) 4
Special Compilation of Teochew Cuisines (潮州美食食谱汇编)


This is a special compilation for all the Teochew or Chaozhou (潮州)dialect cuisines that I have issued recipe in this blog. Hope this will facilitate Teochew who are looking for the recipes. The list will be updated as and

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Sichuan Recipes: Preserved Long Beans (酸豆角 aka 酸豇豆)


“酸豆角是指腌制过的豆角。豆角含有丰富的优质蛋白质、碳水化合物及多种维生素、微量元素等,可补充机体的招牌营养素。其中所含B族维生素能维持正常的消化腺分泌和胃肠道蠕动的功能,抑制胆碱酶活性,可帮助消化,增进食欲。” (Source:http://baike.baidu.com/view/1184819.htm

Literally translated from Chinese Baike Wikipedia, preserved long beans refer to marinated long beans. The beans are rich in proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins that are beneficial and provide nutrients for the body.

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Cheesy Bacon Bread Bites (培根芝士小面包) 6
Cheesy Bacon Bread Bites (培根芝士小面包)


This is a very easy recipe.. Easy to prepare, easy to shape, fast to bake with an awesome texture and taste…Of course taste wise will depend on the types of ingredients you used.

All these are easy because of

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Special Compilation Of Chinese New Year Cookies, Snacks And Cakes Recipes

Chinese New Year is approaching and I do not think readers needs any more recipes at this very late juncture.. However, I am curious too as to how many recipes I have for Chinese New Year snacks and cookies.
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