Chicken Satay (Sate Ayam or 鸡肉沙爹)


I seriously doubt any Malaysians, Singaporeans and Indonesians do not know satay, never try satay or if tried, do not like satay. Satay is a childhood dish and it is such a very famous international dish. A Google of

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Sayur Lodeh And Lontong (蔬菜咖喱和米糕)


Today is the second day of Hari Raya Aidilfiltri and I felt the urge to introduce some simple Malay cuisine to my kids.. Since my neighbour gave me a block of lontong yesterday, I have decided to pair it

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Homemade Lotus Seeds Paste (家居自制莲蓉馅料)


I swear that I never like lotus seeds in desserts, not even until now… But it is very strange that I like lotus seed paste.. i personally found that commercially sold lotus seed paste is aromatic and taste different

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Homemade Golden Syrup (黄金糖浆, 糖清)


One of the main ingredients for Baked Traditional Mooncake (传统粤式月饼)  is golden syrup. The main reason of using golden syrup is to enhance the colour of the dough such that it is a nice brownish crust  without over baking

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Cooked Glutinous Rice Flour aka Gao Fen (糕粉)


Gao Fen or cooked glutinous rice flour is a very important ingredient in Chinese pastry recipes.. It was used in many Chinese cakes or pastry that have sticky or gluey, interior fillings. In addition, it was also  used as

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Homemade Red Bean Paste (家居自制红豆沙馅)


Moon cake festival is 3 months away and I believed it is time for me to share recipes of moon cake fillings.. To start of, I will share the basic recipe of red bean paste which can be used

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Kung Pao Chicken aka Gong Bao Ji Ding (宫保鸡丁)


Gongbaojiding or Kung Pao Chicken (宫保鸡丁 或 宫爆鸡丁) is another famous Szechuan dish that is commonly served in China or Overseas’ restaurants. It is a very well known dish that was well liked by most Asians and also westerners. 

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Chinese Chilli Chicken aka Lazijiding (辣子鸡丁)


This is an unique recipe.. This recipe is not suitable for your family if your family cannot take spicy food. It is also not suitable if you are having dinner in a rush…However,  I called this dish a “family

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Hakka Yong Tau Foo (客家酿豆腐)


There are many ways of serving Yong Tau Foo . In Singapore, it is very common that Yong Tau Foo was served in a soupy form together with the noodles. Some sweet sauce was used as a dip. In

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Mango Salad Appetizer or Kerabu Mangga (酸辣芒果开胃菜) 2
Mango Salad Appetizer or Kerabu Mangga (酸辣芒果开胃菜)


Kerabu basically means salad in Malay.. Some fruits, vegetables or meats are mixed with a concoction of herbs and spices, tossed and served as an appetizer or salad.. It is very appetizing well liked by many families..

Though this

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