Chinese New Year cookies preparation can be rather pressurizing, not only in terms of energy required, for some recipes, it will yield a lot of egg whites. Every year, it is a nightmare for me to keep these egg whites. Well, if you consider the simple calculations below.
Kuih Lapis (Authentic Lapis Legit (Spekkoek 印尼千层蛋糕)) – 30 egg yolks per recipe – 3 cakes will yield 90 egg whites
Kuih Bangkit (Kueh Bangkit) – 6 egg yolks per recipe – 3 recipe will yield 18 egg whites
Pineapple tarts (Golf Ball Pineapple Tarts (凤梨酥)- Part 2) – 4 egg yolks – 3 recipes will yield 12 egg whites
That is very conservative and when demand of cookies is good, the egg whites are much more than that. From the above, it will work out to 120 egg whites or about 4.8 kg of egg whites . Some may claimed that you can prepare egg white angel cake etc..Well, let’s do a simple calculation and since this is for home consumption, it is unlikely that you will prepare more of this except once or twice during the new year period.
Angel Food Cake (Angel Food Cake) – 1 cake – 330 grams of egg whites required
Pavlova (Strawberry and Blueberry Pavlova) – 1 pavlova – 160 grams of egg whites required
Egg white steamed prawns (Egg White Steamed Prawns (蛋白蒸虾)) – 1 plate – 160 grams of egg whites required
That only used up 650 grams and that left with 4.15 kg of egg white. You can still prepare some Chinese new year cookies but that only uses 2-3 egg whites .. But your house will be accumulating more and more egg whites biscuits and you are unlikely to consume on time.. Using these egg whites to churn into another bake is not a good choice to get rid these massive quantities of egg whites.
I understand some bakeries are throwing away the excess egg whites. But usually they will have a production plan that balance the egg white and egg yolks requirement. However, in some countries, some shops are selling egg yolks or egg whites only.. If this type of shop exist in Singapore, I will be more than happy to buy from them egg yolks only.
While I was grumbling about these excess egg whites in a Taiwanese Facebook Group, one member, Ms. Michelle Chen kindly suggest a savoury dish of braising egg whites. It is a brilliant idea and I managed to get rid of 1 kg of egg whites for one meal. It is just nice for a meal of 4 persons.
What I am sharing is not really a recipe but a concept. I cooked with what I have at home including using excess roast pork in fridge. You can always use your favourite method of braising. Those who cooked often will know that unlike egg yolk, egg white is tasteless, and have no aroma. With this method of braising, it was transform into these tasteless egg white into a delicious dish.
Servings: 4-6 adult servings
About 1 kg of egg white
500 grams of roast pork (optional)
4 cloves of garlic
2 slices of ginger
One small rock sugar
1 tablespoon of dark soya sauce
1 teaspoon of five spice powder
Pinches of salt
Lightly beat the egg white and sift into a greased steaming tin of your choice. Note that beating egg white is optional if you prefer firmer egg white. Beating will make the egg white fluffier when steamed.
Steamed under high heat until the egg white is firmed. Steaming time will depend on the thickness and size of your tray. The thicker it is , more time will be needed to steam the egg whites. When cooled, cut into pieces of the size you prefer..
In a pot, heat up 1 tablespoon of oil, add the garlic , ginger and rock sugar. Sauté the garlic and ginger until aromatic and the rock sugar has caramelized into brownish colour. Add the 5 spice powder, some water and follow by dark soya sauce. Bring to boil. The amount of water required will depend on the size of your braising pot and the amount of side items you want to braise. You can add more water if it is inadequate in the later stage. Add the pork slices and egg white slices. Reduce the heat to medium and let it simmer for 15-20 minutes. Add pinches of salt before off the heat. It is best to rest for 1-2 hours before serving for the flavour to develop.
You may not need this recipe for the time being. But it is not a bad idea to accumulate egg white and freeze them. Cook this dish when it has accumulated too much. Trust me, it is a nice and addictive dish. I also presumed this recipe will be welcomed by body builders or gym freaks where it is packed with healthy proteins.
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