All my dearest readers and supporters;
Without all your support, I will not be writing this blog;
I hope you like my blog;
And this post is written “straight” from my mind without manipulating my thoughts and the use of jargons;
By now, you should know that Guai Shu Shu (An Uncle Who Behave In An Abnormal Way) is a Chinese educated student;
Bear with me, if I lack beautiful descriptive words in my blog;
Pardon me, if I made lots of grammatical mistakes in my posts; and
Forgive me, if I do not have beautiful images to entice you.
Guaishushu is very frank and tell you what he thought…
Guaishushu is a computer illiterate…
Guaishushu don’t know anything about plug-ins, giveaways gadgets and etc., self hosting that are technical jargons that most bloggers are familiar with…
Guaishushu currently do not engage any computer consultant for the blog….
He had to to solve all these technical issues by himself….
He don’t know how to go about “presenting” his blog…
Such that it is best for him and for the readers….
He had work hard for the last few weeks….
Rushing out this humble hardcopy booklet for his readers……
It may be a bit late and he felt guilty of issuing it late……
He still has one persistent technical issue that he cannot tackle….
In his “INDEX” page, there is a big watermark that he can’t erase off…..
He is still puzzled…..and he felt bad….
But he know he cannot wait anymore…..
Christmas is approaching, in another 4 more days…
He adopt the Chinese saying: 丑媳妇见爹娘……
Meaning no matter how ugly is the daughter in law……
She will eventually have to “face meet” her parent’s in law……
He took the courage to issue this less than desirable hardcopy compilation……..
He honestly hope that reader’s wouldn’t mind……
Forgive him for such a “crude gift”…….
But it is sincere and tactful…..
There is no condition attached to the gift…..
Not even an e-mail address required, Facebook Page Like required…
Since Christmas is love sharing…..
Whoever read this post are entitled to download the hardcopy of this 10 simple recipes………
More recipes will come in due course if the proper technical issues can be resolved…………
Hope readers like it and feel free to download the number of copies you like…….
Again, bear with me any grammatical mistakes that may be found in the booklet….
I apologize for that if there is …
If you appreciate this humble Christmas gift……….
Please leave me some simple constructive comment on what do you think of this e-book….
Either in this blog’s comment section below, my Facebook Page or the place you see this post.
Not forgetting to have a simple request to follow me at PINTEREST or visit Guaishushu’s FACEBOOK PAGE
Please download here
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Loving the illustration! It may or may not be professionally taken by you but nevertheless, its a beautiful book.. Good job! 🙂
I see that you are passionate about traditionally cooking. Also agree that taste does bring back lots of memory especially those in our childhood. Keep up with your work! Btw I am shocked to find out such passion in a man like you! Hehe
Hmmm, I found that only old man will like old cuisines.. haha
I decided to visit your foodblog after registered in Peranakan group in FB. I really enjoyed and appreciated your detailed instructions and ‘Conclusions’ given in each recipes. Everyone was born with different taste buds and likes or food will be boring 🙂 For someone who claimed that, “Guaishushu is a computer illiterate…” you did well in the layout of this Christmas e-booklet. Your next project should be e-book, perhaps? Following what Elley commented, to have a man who’s passionate in cooking is a blessing to the family 🙂 As you know born and living in Peranakan household, kitchen is the matriarch domain. I’m sure your family is proud of you. Keep up with the great work and am looking forward to see more great recipes from you. ~ Esef
Thanks for your kind words. Much appreciated.
Thank you so much for the recipe, you are so generous with your recipe.
Just seen this. As usual, easy recipes…thank you very much. Can’t wait to try out the ribs and fruit cake!
Hi, found your website by chance while looking for mee recipe. You see, my family migrated to Canada abt 7 years ago and my son misses the lor mee back home. I, myself never tasted any lor mee before (I dunno why, maybe there’s too much garlic in) so I find it difficult to cook. But after visiting your site, I found that there’s so many recipes that my family have been craving for? and the way you simplified it, just loving it?. Thank you. I going to cook lor mee this weekend?. So, here dropping a line to let you know you made my day!
Happy that it is of help to you.